
Mengenal Hortatory Explanation Text

Hi mate! Kemarin kita sudah mengenal tentang argumentative text, nah hari ini aku bakal sharing ke kalian tentang materi Hortatory Explanation Text dalam bahasa inggris yang aku dapetin disekolah. Mulai dari pengertian, struktur sampai contohnya bakal aku share ke kalian. Penasaran, kan? Yuk simak bareng-bareng! What is Hortatory Explanation Text ❓ Hortatory exposition is a text which represents the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way , atau bisa di artikan,  Hortatory explanation text adalah jenis teks yang digunakan untuk meyakinkan atau mengajak pembaca atau pendengar agar melakukan sesuatu atau mengambil tindakan tertentu. Teks ini bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi pemikiran dan sikap orang lain melalui argumen yang kuat dan logis. Diatas ini adalah struktur dari hortatory exposition text. Jadi di hortatory explanation text ini memiliki empat bagian struktur, yaitu introduction, argument, supporting detail dan recommendation. Language ...

Sample of Argumentative Text

Hi mate! Here I will explain you a text, namely argumentation text and give some examples and look for vocabulary that is not understood. ——☆ Defination Argumentative Text is a text where the writer is either 'for' or 'against' an issue or subject, or presents the case for both sides.  Structure   Thesis : Contains writer's opinion about something or introduces topic and indicates  writer'sposition. Arguments : Contains arguments to support the writer's position. The number of arguments may vary,  but each argument must be supported by evidence and explanation. Recommendation : Contains recommendation about the issue. Here is an example of an argumentation text Should College Education be Free? Thesis College education should be free for all students. Education is a basic right, and no one should be deprived of it just because they can't afford it. Education is the key to success and prosperity, and making it accessible to all will lead to a better so...

Learning Reflection Description Text

Hi mate! Hari ini aku akan memberikan learning reflection aku tentang materi teks deskripsi dalam bahasa inggris yang aku dapetin disekolah.  ———☆   Theory Yang aku tahu mengenai descriptive text adalah sebuah teks yang menjelaskan sesuatu atau hal dengan terperinci atau detail. Apabila di artikan dalam bahasa inggris yaitu, Descriptive text  is a kind of text wich describes a particular thing, animal, person, or other in detail. Struktur pada Descriptive text terdiri dari 2 struktur, antara lain identification dan description . Selain itu description text juga menggunakan panca indra atau 5 sense dalam mendeskripsikan suatu hal, 5 sense itu antara lain : 1. Sight (melihat) 2. Smell (menghirup/mencium) 3. Hearing (mendengar) 4. Taste (merasakan) 5. Touch (menyentuh) Language Feature Language features pada descriptive text terdiri dari tiga yaitu, 1. Simple present tense [He, She, It + Verb 1 (s/es)] and [I, you, they, we + Verb 1] 2. A djective (kata sifat) 3. Nou...

Mengenal Descriptive Text

Hi mate! Hari ini aku bakal sharing ke kalian tentang materi teks deskripsi dalam bahasa inggris yang aku dapetin disekolah. Mulai dari pengertian, struktur sampai contohnya bakal aku share ke kalian. Penasaran, kan? Yuk simak bareng-bareng! What is Descriptive text❓ Descriptive text is a kind of text wich describes a particular thing, animal, person, or other in detail , atau bisa kita artikan descriptive text adalah sebuah teks yang menjelaskan sesuatu secara detail atau terperinci. Nah, jadi tujuan dari descriptive text ini bisa kita gunakan untuk mendeskripsikan suatu objek mulai dari warna, bentuk, ukuran dan lain sebagainya. Diatas ini adalah struktur dari text descriptive . Jadi pada descriptive text itu memiliki dua bagian yaitu, indentification dan description . Indentification : Contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal of things will be describe.  Description       : Series paragraph follows to describe the part. Dalam bahasa Indo...


Hi mate! There is good news here, I will advertise items produced from my class majors, hope you are interested :p ———☆ Hi guys, thanks for joining~ Here I will offer you some cute items!  I have merchandise with cute designs too, especially the designs that you can customize yourself~ the price is also affordable to buy, plus we have a big discount at the end of the year! So don't miss out, let's buy it now! For more information, you can see in the comments column! That's all for this live, thank you for watching, see you soon! Click here to see a video of the live selling online. < CLICK HERE! > ———☆ So that's my live streaming online product, thank you for watching and reading this, bye~


Hi mate! if the yesterday i become to be a reporter, now i will to be a news anchor :D ———☆ Good afternoon; welcome to Skaone News. I'm Nabilla Chelsea, and I'm here to bring you the lastest update about a multinational restaurant that donate it's food for Israeli soldiers. It put the controversion in the middle of genocide issue . Fast food restaurant, McD, threatened with a boycott after donating free food to Israeli soldiers who are in conflict with the Palestinian Hamas. Not only that, McD also offers a 50 percent discount for security forces who come to its outlets. A total of 4,000 meals were sent to hospitals and military units of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). McD's actions have drawn negative reactions from a number of Muslim groups in the world. Click here to see a video of the news anchor. < CLICK HERE! > ———☆ and that's my news anchor, thank you for watching and reading this, bye~


Hi mate, for this wednesday i will make a project, and the project 'if i as a reporter' :p so this is the result, i hope you guys like my writing :D ———☆ THE ELECTION OF OSIS CHAIRMAN THIS YEAR IS VERY FIERCE Good morning from SKAONE High School, I'm Nabilla Chelsea. Now you're reading the breaking news. SMK Negeri 4 Semarang held PEMILOS, or the Election of Candidates for the Head of Osis. This event was held on Thursday, October 19, 2023, from 07.00 to 15.00 WIB. This activity was attended by all school members in the main field. The election of the student council chairman of SMK N 4 Semarang aims to train the democracy of the students and school community through this experience. The method used in this election is the manual voting system, which uses paper and voting tools and then puts them in the ballot box. As a sign of having conducted PEMILOS, school members dipped their right little finger. This election activity begins with the reading of candidates for chai...