Mengenal Hortatory Explanation Text

Hi mate! Kemarin kita sudah mengenal tentang argumentative text, nah hari ini aku bakal sharing ke kalian tentang materi Hortatory Explanation Text dalam bahasa inggris yang aku dapetin disekolah. Mulai dari pengertian, struktur sampai contohnya bakal aku share ke kalian. Penasaran, kan? Yuk simak bareng-bareng!

What is Hortatory Explanation Text ❓

Hortatory exposition is a text which represents the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way, atau bisa di artikan, Hortatory explanation text adalah jenis teks yang digunakan untuk meyakinkan atau mengajak pembaca atau pendengar agar melakukan sesuatu atau mengambil tindakan tertentu. Teks ini bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi pemikiran dan sikap orang lain melalui argumen yang kuat dan logis.

Diatas ini adalah struktur dari hortatory exposition text. Jadi di hortatory explanation text ini memiliki empat bagian struktur, yaitu introduction, argument, supporting detail dan recommendation.

Language features pada hortatory exposition text terdiri dari empat yaitu,

1. Use the simple present tense, as this text presents an opinion that is not bound by time references.
2. Presenting arguments, so there are conjunctions such as firstly, secondly, furthermore. In addition, etc.
3. Use evaluative words such as Important, valuable etc.
4. Using passive voice or passive sentences.

Function of Hortatory Explanatory Text

Selain itu, teks ini juga memiliki fungsi yaitu untuk meyakinkan atau mempengaruhi si pembaca atau pendengar tentang sebuah pendapat atau tindakan dengan fakta, informasi, dan data yang relevan. Biasanya teks ini digunakan untuk pidato, teks artikel, editorial dan lain sebagainya.

Example of Hortatory Explanation Text

Title : The Importance of Rules

Rules have always been there for the betterment of human life. Rules are everywhere, at home, at school and in religion. If there are no rules, it will be complicated. Therefore, it is very important for people to understand how important rules are.

First, rules provide guidance for life for mankind. Humans are social beings who need rules within them. This is because humans need fulfillment, and fulfillment also needs rules.

 That way rules make the pattern of human life more organized so that life is more useful. 

Secondly, rules make us have morals and ethics. Ethics is the science of what is good and what is bad. Just like ethics, morals are about what is good and bad, in terms of attitudes and actions.

This is one of the reasons why humans need rules. Aside from life issues, rules are also about ethics and morals. No matter who you are, you still need to have ethics and morals.

Third, rules are made to create harmony. Everyone must have a different background. And different habits too.

This difference is what makes humans have to respect and respect each other. The rules that are made are expected so that people can always get along. Given the many differences that exist from many aspects.

These are the reasons why humans need rules. If there are no rules in life, then life will be chaotic. People would hurt each other. There will be many people who will actively seek what they want, without looking at their surroundings including other people. This is the reason why there must be rules in human life. To achieve a safe, peaceful and harmonious life we must always obey the rules.


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